The role of Clergy
Meeting the clergy is important for the family
It is important for the family to meet with the clergy who will be conducting the service as soon as practible after making funeral arrangement. If you are using you own clergy for the funeral it is practical that you will have already have a good personal relationship. In this case you can plan a service that you will all be in tune with. Alternatively if you have decided to select a religious funeral using a member of the clergy that we have contacted on your behalf, it is necessary that you meet in order to plan the service.
The more input that the family or close friend have into the planning of the funeral service the better. This personal involvement will ensure that the funeral service is as meaningful, personal and relevant to the life that it is celebrating. It is important to meet as soon as practical after the funeral arrangement conference is complete.
This planning meeting will help the clergy to arrange the service the way that you require. All aspects will be discussed and decided upon; music, personal options, eulogies and order of service. After this meeting it is usual for family members to have a list of preparations that need attending. It is important to note that the officiate is available during the entire process, to assist in making the funeral the unique a special event that it should be.
Kevin and Perram Funerals Sydney is a leading funeral company with a reputation for delivering quality funeral services, cremation, funeral plans, funeral homes and funeral insurance services across Sydney metropolitan areas including the North Shore, Sutherland Shire, the Eastern Suburbs and Western Suburbs. Some of our main serviced Sydney suburbs include Bankstown, Liverpool, Blacktown, Gordon, Hurstville, Parramatta, Sutherland, Castle Hill, and Bondi
We are here to help you in your time of need. Our professional services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.