Funeral or Memorial
Funeral Directors Sydney – Funeral and Memorial Services in Sydney
What is the difference between a Funeral and a Memorial?
One thing that is sometimes overlooked when planning a funeral is the difference between a funeral and a memorial. In simple terms a funeral is the term used when the body is present for the celebration; conversely, a memorial is a celebration when the body is not present. In either case, the burial or cremation may have taken place either before or after the service. Some families may choose to have the ashes present for a memorial as well.
If you are planning a funeral at an alternative venue, it is important to consider the role that having the coffin or casket present will play in the celebration. It is also important to remember that necessary reverence and care be shown to the body in the way it is handled and in relation to where it is to be placed. In relation to legal aspects, having the body present presents no particular problem to ourselves, however, permits for gatherings will still need to be sort from relevant local authorities. Having the deceased present can help make the celebration a more poignant event and also help with closure for many people.
Alternatively, if the celebration is to be a memorial style then the logistics of the coffin or casket are no longer relevant. The presence of the ashes causes only minimal consideration in relation to placement and handling for obvious reasons.
Whether or not you are planning a funeral or memorial at an alternative location, Kevin and Perram Funerals can help you design and delivery a tribute that honour that special life that was theirs and was shared with you. The tribute will leave you with that uplifting event it should be.