Our History
Kevin and Perram Funerals Sydney,
Parramatta, Liverpool
A Family Business
In 1950 my late father started in Sydney’s funeral industry. In those days it was considered a “calling”. A term long since forgotten in today’s commercial world. This was the beginning of our family’s association with the funeral industry and a tradition of service to the families of Sydney at their time of need. In 1955 he and my mother moved to the Parramatta area and managed a well-known funeral business of the day. In 1959 he opened his own funeral home and carried on that business till his death in 1984.
In 1997 the family decided to sell the business that they owned and each follow our own course.
In 2001 my wife Michele and I decided to go back to the industry that we know. One of the major factors influencing our decision to return to the funeral industry was the number of people who contacted us directly about funerals and funeral arrangements. These people were not only our close personal friends but also those who we knew socially and merely acquaintances. All of who needed our help and understanding at the most difficult time in anyone’s life.
The Quality of Service
The service that we offer is the same in quality to that offered to Sydney’s families over the last half century. However, I do believe that the requirements of a funeral director have changed over the last 10 years particularly in the area of number and variety of services provided to families. The requests now made of funeral directors range from musical selections to the provision birds or balloons. Services must be organised and delivered within the context of the funeral arrangement and in a manner that befits the occasion.
The response we have received, since our reopening, from the public, clergy, nursing homes and social workers has been very gratifying. It seems that family’s needs for quality caring funeral services are greater than ever. The rise of the large corporate funeral companies seems to have left a void in the personal aspects of the funeral service and its role in our society.
Our Extended Range of Services
Today we offer a complete range of funeral services tailored to the personal needs of the families we serve. A full range of vehicles, chapel and professional services is available on a 24 hour 7 day basis.
The nature of the funeral industry is that business must take a medium and long-term view of our activities, with this in mind our plans are progressing steadily. We have recently organised facilities in Parramatta for families to arrange and organise funerals in our office. This is in addition to our usual method of arranging funerals in the comfort of the family home. The search for larger more permanent premises in the Parramatta area in keeping with our traditional style established over many years is under way and we hope to be open by the end of the year.
In 2004 we were offered the opportunity to purchase an additional business in the Liverpool area owned by Mr. Kevin Perram and his family. The business of Kevin Perram Liverpool Funerals changed its name to Kevin and Perram Funerals to more correctly represent the proud heritage of both families who have served the community for 60 years.
Christopher H Timmins
Funeral Director
Please note: we are Australian Owned and Family Operated